Emir Karatekin

Çankırı, located in the northernmost part of Central Anatolia, remained under the domination of the Hittites, Paflagons, Persians, Galatians and Romans though out the historical process. Çankırı, which could not be conquered despite the raids organized by the Umayyads and hosted many civilizations, was conquered by Karatekin Bey, one of the commanders of Süleyman Şah, in 1074. As the first Muslim Turkish commander to conquer the Western Black Sea region, Emir Karatekin is an important figure in Turkish-Islamic history. As a result of the military actions carried out by Emir Karatekin in this region between 1074 and 1084, the Çankırı, Kastamonu and Sinop regions were conquered by the Turks and went down in history as "Çankırı Fatihi". Until his death, He was the only governor of Çankırı, Kastamonu and Sinop region and Çankırı was the center of this region. Karatekin, who established a principality under the Anatolian Seljuks in the regions he conquered, ruled this principality until his death. Emir Karatekin was buried in his grave in Çankırı castle after his death.

Emir Karatekin's life full of struggle with the Byzantines and the Crusaders brought about the epic of his life after his death and his recognition as a spiritual dynamic worthy of praise. Karatekin Bey is one of the alperens who embroidered the faith movement he received from Turkestan to Anatolia.